Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Definitely cold out

 Im not sure where I have moved but it’s so cold. There was freezing fog all day and temps were not above 30. It’s crazy to me. This weekend is going to be worse. I got home today and Ronnie was putting hay in the barn so those animals could stay in the barn. I checked the straw for the pigs. The little goats are staying in their shelter. The shop cats are staying in the shop, thank goodness. All of the water was frozen so Ronnie went around breaking up the ice. I hate this so much for the animals. I will add more straw tomorrow. They all have shelter out of the wind but I am concerned because it’s so cold. Surely they will be okay. The goats had been out of the barn and had ice hanging from their beards. Good grief, I am a nervous wreck. 

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