Monday, February 15, 2021

Artic Temps

 Now this weather across the United States just needs to go away. The last few days have been so extremely cold. I feel so badly for these animals. I know they have to be cold, but we have done everything we can. I have put out straw and Ronnie has worked on windbreaks for the animals. Everyone of the animals has shelter to get into out of the wind. The temps have been so cold, we have been feeding a lot more than we normally do to keep them warmer. Our biggest fight has been water. With temps in single digits and harsh windchills making the temp in the negative, keeping drinkable water is a problem. Ronnie has used a blow torch, he has used an ax, etc. but the minute the water is in liquid form again, they get to drink some and it freezes again. Last night the weather was unbearable. The low was 1 degree here. I cried and prayed for a long time over those animals. Lucky has been really sick and was moved last night in hopes he would make it through the night. I have been very anxious but have been trying to pray instead of stress. I was still stressed. I wasn’t sleeping very well and then our electricity went out at 2 am. Then a smoke detector decided it needed new batteries and continued to beep. Then the snow plow continued to go up and down the street and every time it did, the dogs would bark. Needless to say, I have been up since 2 am. The electricity did not come back on until after I went to work. My husband who I am so grateful for has spent the day buying new water troughs for the animals and getting more hay and feed for them. When I got home from work, we put bottles of water with salt in them in each water trough in hopes that it won’t freeze again. Everyone of those animals drank so much water, some of the troughs had to be refilled. It’s bitter cold out tonight again but not nearly as bad as last night. I’m continuing to pray for these animals in this bitter cold. I’m ready for the cold to go away. I’m not sure I signed up for this. 

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