Tuesday, February 16, 2021


 The weather was suppose to get better and be up past the freezing point, well, the weather changed it’s mind. Instead of near 40 degrees, it decided to stay at 20 and snow more. I know I’m over it and so are the animals and so many other people. I’m beyond stressed right now, Ronnie and I had to get a hotel due to having no electricity which means no heat. We did go feed and water the animals of course but there is something about not being there, especially with it being so cold in the house. Surely the dogs will cuddle up and so will the cats that are in the house, but it stresses me bad. I hate not being there for the other animals also but I did get to see them all and make sure they were okay. This is just awful. I do not like it and I’m ready for this weather to straighten up. Someone remind me of this when it’s summertime, I hear it’s brutal here in the summer. 

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