Monday, February 15, 2021

Lucky Progress

 I wanted to let everyone know that Lucky made it through the night in his hay and having his own water. I am hopeful for him that we are turning a corner. I’m trying to stay positive. He is enjoying having his own spot at the moment. He does have some fight in him right now because when the gate opens, he wants to get out. When I got home he was looking up at me like what are you looking at, I’m fine. I gave him more supplements and he really is eating well. He is drinking well also which are all good signs. The one thing I am not happy to say is he does not have diarrhea anymore. That has been stopped. I noticed his eyes are looking much better than they did a few days ago as well. I learn something new everyday but a new friend of mine told me not long ago that when the eyes look bugged out, they are dehydrated. Lucky’s looked rough yesterday but he looks so much better today. I’m still praying for him and hoping we turned a corner. 

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