Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Cold weather

 Well, I can honestly say this Texas weather is something else. It was warm enough not to wear a jacket at all last week and now it’s going to be down in single digits this weekend. I have already started to prepare the animals. I have pine shavings already in the barn and in the shelter where the baby goats are. I added straw to the pig houses. The shop cats have hay and blankets and crates to get in if needed. I still worry since it’s going to be so cold. I hate it but I know they will be fine. The donkeys and goats have already been staying in the barn at night and I know they will be in the barn when it is super cold. I’m ready to get the barn fixed so it will be a little warmer for them. They do have an area that is blocked off so it’s warmer than the open air. This weather makes me a nervous wreck for the animals. I think the ones I’m most concerned about are the shop cats since they aren’t sure of where they are exactly yet, but I’ve fixed it up for them. It will all be okay. 

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