Monday, February 22, 2021

New Residents

 Last post tonight. I was not at home when the donkeys were unloaded. Ronnie did text me and tell me Red and Cracker Jack became instant friends. He also said Pedro was going to be his new donkey. Ned and Red are bonded. Lol!! Cracks me up. As I watched these donkeys interact with the 3 we already had, it really was something. Guys, Noma has the worst feet, but she was running. They all kinda stayed together for the most part. Pete and Pedro seemed to become instant friends. I’m amazed at animals and what I learn from them everyday. These guys did not care where the other ones came from, they all just kind of decided they were all home and they were going to run around together. Animals are amazing. We should learn from them. Red didn’t care who we were and this might sound crazy to some, but I swear that donkey was thanking me for saving him. He just stared at me with this look. He would follow me for a bit and even put his head on my shoulder. I’m so glad they are here. 

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