Sunday, February 14, 2021

Lucky Update

 This morning it seemed Lucky might have been better. He was up, eating and drinking. He even ran from us when we were trying to get some supplements down him. It wasn’t real fast so we were able to get it down him. The temps have dropped consistently today and we have had some crazy snow here today. As we were out feeding and watering, literally for hours due to the awful temps. Ronnie has to do some work on the barn and the shelter for the baby goats while we were out. The water is definitely a battle since it freezes as soon as Ronnie uses the blow torch to unfreeze it. Whoever decided this was a good idea, we need to talk. Hahaha!! Just kidding. As we were out, I noticed all the donkeys are limping around due to snow build up in hooves. Edith, the chicken that sleeps in the shop was laying out in the snow which is not good. Looked like maybe the cats kicked her out. She finally found her way to the area the other chickens were in. The pigs needed more straw which I was able to put in there. Ronnie and I went into the barn to give more supplements to Lucky and Carlos. I had to go do something and left the barn. When I came back out, Ronnie said Lucky is down and can’t get up. I run to the barn and he is definitely down and not getting up. Doesn’t even try when I go over to him and this is the goat that does not like humans. At least he was in the straw. I picked him up and put him in my lap to warm up. I think Hercules was bullying him. And I think Carlos is getting sick so I have treated Carlos and Hercules also already. I get Lucky in my lap and he relaxes some. I give him a bottle of water using the drencher. I decide I cannot leave him in here but the lean to is on its top so I can’t put him in there. Ronnie ends up making him a place in the chicken roosting spot. There are pens set up in there. He put a bunch of hay down in there and covered it with a tarp to keep the wind out of there. I picked him up and carried him part of the way and then Ronnie took over because Lucky is heavier than I thought. When we get over there, Ronnie hands him back to me. I thought he was gone already because he wasn’t moving but I cuddled with him a few minutes and he was moving. I bury him in the hay up to his head. He started eating the hay while he is covered up. I saw that as a good sign but then his head kind of drops. He was breathing and all but it’s like he was exhausted. I put water in there of course and put a plastic bottle in there so it wouldn’t freeze. Edith decided to go in there with Lucky and cuddled in the hay also. I have sat here and prayed about all of the animals because it is unbelievably awful out here. I finally decided Lucky needed to be checked on. I couldn’t do it. I’m not over Romeo yet. Ronnie went out to check on him. He came back in and said Lucky was up eating and had been drinking the water also. I can’t loose hope. I have to stay positive at this point. Keep him in your prayers. He is still fighting so I will continue to fight with him. These pictures are rough. He looks rough. I’m still praying. I’ve cried for a couple of days now but I know we are doing what we can.