Sunday, February 21, 2021

What Now

 We are pretty much over the winter storm, it was close to 70 degrees here today. I started cleaning out animal shelters after the storm today. That was less than pleasant but necessary. Yesterday I went in to get Lucky out of his spot and get him in the sun to run around since it was in the 60s I believe. He had been in his smaller pen with the chickens so we could medicate him when needed and to protect him since he has been so sick. I knew he couldn’t stay with the others. He needed his own spot. Luckily we were able to provide that for him. It has truly been brutal this last week. Our main goal with Lucky was to keep him, warm, medicated, and hydrated. Everyday when he was checked on he was close to the same spot. I noticed all of his bodily functions were working so I did not think much of it. However, I discovered yesterday as I tried to get Lucky to a different pen to get him so sun and more room that Lucky couldn’t walk. This goat literally cannot walk. Guys, that was a heartbreaking sight for me. He was crying out as I was trying to get him to stand. So, I pick him up and carry him to the pen. I put some hay over by him and some water. He was eating and drinking fine. I let him sit in the sun several hours, checking on him every little bit to make sure he was okay. He seemed to enjoy the sun. I went out a couple times and worked on his legs, stretching them and helping him to stand. He was trying so hard. Later when it started to get dark, I locked him back into the smaller pen. When I got up this morning, I went in to check on him and we did the same thing. I carried him to the other pen to be in the sun. I gave him more supplements, food and water. He is eating well and drinking well. I did more stretching to his

legs. As I watched him this afternoon, I noticed he was moving himself. Granted, it was in circles, but he was trying. That is progress to me. Before putting him back in the smaller shelter, I worked on standing with him more. He was sure trying. I opened up the smaller shelter a bit for him so if he does get up tomorrow, he will have more room to roam. He is also protected there and is in a shelter instead of out in the open. I think with his illness and the cold this week, he just became so weak from all of it hitting at once. I believe it may take a few days, but I am believing he will get up again on his own. Bless his little heart. As long as he is willing to fight, I will fight with him. He is turning into a little love bug. For two years, he has wanted nothing to do with us and now he seems to understand we are not going to hurt him. 

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