Saturday, February 20, 2021

Winter Storm

 This morning I got up to go feed the animals and check water situations. I was greeted by the beautiful sunshine and the cold, but much warmer temps outside. I am so grateful for the sunshine and those warmer temps. I have never been through this weather catastrophe as an adult or having livestock. I know so many people have had it rough. We have not had it as rough as most other people have. We did loose our electricity for several days, so we did not have heat either. Ronnie and I stayed in a hotel for a few days since it was too cold to stay at home. I have to say, my anxiety was up to a level I don’t remember ever having. Yes, we knew cold temps were coming. No, we did not expect to have no electricity. We are already making plans in case this happens again. We did not loose water which was a good thing. My husband has been so great through this. We did feed the animals more to keep them warmer. I know they couldn’t have been warm for a week but they made it through. I packed as much straw as I could get my hands on into the pig shelters. We have a sick goat and We stuck him in with chickens in his own stall with lots of hay to eat and made a blanket out of it for him. My husband would come home every morning to break up the ice in all the water troughs so the animals would have water. It would freeze again quickly so he did this several times a day while I worked. I have seen a lot of birds that have died from the cold. I am happy to say all of our animals made it through. I know there are a lot of people in the area that did loose some animals through this. I think that is from prayer alone ours made it. Our barn needs some work but it held up well enough to keep the animals from this bitter cold. I’m hoping and praying this is over for now. Im grateful we all made it through this one. Now to clean the house from all of the mud from the ice and snow and to clean out the barn and all of the other shelters because they are gross right now. Going to be a busy day. Keep Texas in your prayers. It’s a mess here. People still don’t have electricity, water pipes are busting, etc, etc. 

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