Sunday, June 27, 2021

Accidents Happen

 When you have animals that need treatment, you take them to the vet. We had an incident that was a total accident here recently. Don’t judge when you read this. Jeb, the horse had been having some hoof trouble and we had taken him to the vet and the vet had prescribed some pain meds for him. Friday I went to work and Ronnie was rushing around to go to work. I was excited since I would be on vacation the next week. I was stressed also since I had so much to do. Ronnie texted me later and said there was an accident but he was taking care of it.  Then I was really stressed. Apparently when Ronnie was rushing to go to work, Jeb would cooperate. Somehow he ended up getting too much medication. The vet came to the house quickly and had to pump his stomach. I can’t make this up, ya’ll. This stuff really happens. He had to be penned up for a few days to make sure he didn’t have any problems come up which he hated. But, he was fine. Thank goodness. Needless to say, Ronnie didn’t make it to work on Friday. We do what it takes around here. Jeb was pretty mad for a few days but he loves us again. 

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