Sunday, June 6, 2021

Another Escape Artist

 So, this farm is known for its escape artists. The wayward pig started this name and she was the first. Her name is Treat. Then there was Pork Chop. Then the list goes: Russ, Darla, Hercules, Carlos. Brutus was the worst one but he came next. Then since moving here we have had Clare, Ned, Darla (which I haven’t talked about but she is here and fine), and Rona. This next one was unexpected and the story is rather hilarious. I walked out to my car on Friday morning and I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I saw a cow. Now, most people do not know this about me, but I do have depth perception difficulties. Knowing that, I wasn’t sure if the cow was on our side of the fence or if the cow was on the neighbors property. I kept looking and realized it was Jasper. Now, Jasper has his own little barn and is fenced in. I usually bring him out on a lead rope to eat the green grass since we need to get the barn up in the pasture and once that gets finished, we will fix the fence and add a gate so Jasper will only have to be in there at night. He does get plenty of fresh grass, hay, and feed so not to worry, he is good. We have tried to keep him away from Jeb, the horse because the last time they were together, Jeb was a little aggressive toward him and we didn’t want Jasper to get hurt. Saying all of that leads me to this, Jasper was in the field with Jeb, Noma, and Cracker Jack. And the big thing is, he was loving it and Jeb was not trying to hurt him. Ronnie was home and he went to investigate while I went to work. He texted me later saying it looked like the horse and Jasper had worked together to break Jasper out. The bungee strap was still on the gate and latched but the gate was opened enough for Jasper to slip out. Jeb’s hair was wrapped around the bungee strap. Jasper was out all day while Ronnie was working outside and once Ronnie shook the feed sack, Jasper came right back to his home and sat down in the hay. He was clearly exhausted. I was able to sit down beside him and hang out a bit. It’s obvious he is lonely and wanting to be in the sun. We will make it happen. 


  1. Look at his beautiful face, I love these animal stories❤

  2. Thank you so much!!! He definitely has a beautiful face and such a sweet spirit!!

  3. I have a book on Amazon if you are interested called The Wayward Pig and other farm stories.
