Saturday, June 5, 2021

Egg Game

 We are still playing the egg game around here. Since taking the crate filled with hay out of the shop, there have been several new spots the chickens are laying eggs. The funny part is, these chickens know when I find their spot and they find a new one. I guess what I do not understand is the chickens do not sit on their eggs, they lay them and then they leave them. Even if the egg is there a day or two, the chicken does not go back to sit on it. I found their egg spot in the goat pen. Then I have 1 chicken that will sit in the chicken coop and lay an egg a day. Then their is a spot in the barn between the sheet metal and the fencing, that one scares me to gran the eggs. Then there was a pile of about 14 eggs that was under a wagon where the grass was higher up, that also gave me the creeps to pick them up. Actually, they lay their eggs in dark spaces to hid them so it all freaks me out to get them after the snake incident, but I do it and pray every time I pick up an egg. The most recent spot the chickens have started lying is in their home with Jasper. Jasper doesn’t bother them but I almost didn’t see them. These chickens are truly something. I will keep playing their game. 

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