Sunday, June 6, 2021

Animals are Smart

 Animals really are smart. We do not give them enough credit. I am sure you all know I have been concerned about the baby chickens. They really are not babies anymore but they are still smaller than full grown chickens. Maybe teenagers is a better word. They are curious and run all over the place now. They even come out of the pasture when they see me now since they know I have food. They really are funny. I wonder about them at night since we stopped locking them in the coop at night. I assure you, I am not naive enough to think there are not predators on our property at times. I know they live with 3 goats and 4 donkeys so they could be protected more than some of the others, but they are small. I went out one night and was relieved to see they are now big enough to fly up and roost on the fencing so they aren’t still on the ground. I was so thrilled to see this. They are smart. Wheezy still lives with the baby goats. The big chickens still live with Jasper. They are behind fencing so I think they are protected. 

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