Sunday, June 27, 2021

Injured Chicken

 I really hate it when one of the animals is sick or injured. This morning I let the dogs out even with the rain and they immediately went under the porch which was filled with water. Out comes a chicken running. I could tell she was injured. She is limping and missing feathers. She was soaked from the storm. I was telling Ronnie about her and he said he had seen her get injured. She was trying to get out of the goat pen and away from one of the roosters and got caught in the fence. He was able to get her out of it and she is actually doing better than she was. He has been keeping an eye on her. She was one of the chickens that was left here by the previous owner for us. I went and checked on her a few minutes ago and she was out of her hiding spot and walking around. She is staying away from the other chickens because they would beat up on her since she is injured. Hopefully she will feel better soon. 

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