Sunday, June 27, 2021

The continued egg game

 If you have been keeping up, you know that I have a very real egg hunt every single day. These hens lay eggs in all kinds of places. I have not found any eggs in a week or two now. I have no idea where they are. I have noticed May sitting in the nest where most of them have put their eggs lately but when she got up the other day I went to look and no eggs were there. I have finally realized it may just be too hot out to lay any eggs. I have looked under the cargo trailer, the stock trailer, the cow pen, the goat pen, the barn, under the tractor, in the tall grass, etc, etc. I am telling you, there are no eggs. I will continue to look daily, but as long as it’s hot, I don’t think there will be any. The babies are too small to lay eggs yet. We will see what happens. The games will continue. 

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