Sunday, June 27, 2021

Welcome Home

 We got the best welcome home I have ever had. After we got home, we were checking all the animals since it was time to feed. We were out doing what we needed to do. I had seen the donkeys way out in the field. I didn’t think much of it since they do roam around. I went into the barn and the chicken coop giving food and stuff. The next thing I know, the donkeys are literally running toward us. I had no idea if they were being chased or what was happening. Nope, not being chased. They ran right to me. Literally right to me. I guessed they missed us. They came up and wanted to be petted and loved on and then they went back to roaming. It was so funny the way they ran up to us and got some love and then went back to doing what they do. It was really funny. They way they were running, they could have run right over me, but they stopped right where I was. It’s nice to know they love us. 

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