Monday, June 14, 2021

More of West Texas I didn’t know

 My understanding of West Texas was this; it’s hot in the summer, little humidity, hardly snows, hardly rains, no mosquitoes. Well, all of that has been gone by the wayside. I’m getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. You already know we had a blizzard here in February. There has been so much rain and it is just now getting hot. This year has already been crazy. I know there are snakes and bobcats and coyotes and foxes and black widows out here. We have heard the coyotes, only heard about the bobcats, seen snakes, black widows and coyotes. Some days I wonder where in the world I have moved, but I am liking it here. We are happy out here and I’m glad we are here. I’m taking the good with the not so good. The weather is crazy everywhere anymore.