Monday, June 14, 2021

Jeb to the Vet

 I posted last week about Jeb being lame in the right front leg. Watching him limp around was sad. He was taken to the vet and it was pretty much what Ronnie and I had discussed. The vet said it looked like he had a bruise on one side of the foot and he had an abscess in the hoof. He was given some meds and seems to be doing better. However, he was feeling so much better, he started running around like he does. He is a young colt and is learning. Now we are back to him limping around and not feeling good. Looks like we are going to have to be put into a small enclosure for him to heal so he will stay off of it more. This horse is something else. I’m grateful he will heal. Now to keep him off of it and how to do that is the question. He does not like to be in one spot and he wants to stay with Noma at all times. Let’s see how this goes. 

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