Sunday, June 27, 2021


 I had a panic moment several days ago. I was washing dishes and cleaning before my parents got here and for some reason I went out to check the animals in the heat of the day. I walk out toward the barn and stop at the chicken coop. Hercules was on his side and there were chickens on top of him. He wasn’t moving. I run in there and he still doesn’t move. He is breathing though. I start yelling his name. He finally rolls over and looks at me. His face is saying he was having a really good nap in the heat of the day. He still doesn’t get up and the chickens are standing on him and pecking on him. I was worried. They had water but I went over and got fresh water for them. When I came back he decided since I was nice enough to get fresh water he could get up and show me he was fine. And he really was fine. He was hot since it was 100 degrees outside. I have got to learn not to panic. It is hot here in west Texas. These animals are survivors. They know how to survive in the heat. They made it through the crazy blizzard this year also. I have got to calm down. 

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