Monday, June 14, 2021


 It seems like bringing Alex home has been good for Jasper. I knew Jasper was lonely but I wasn’t sure how lonely since he had the chickens living with him. Since getting Alex, Jasper’s personality has really taken off. He is liking having a friend. They play around and head butt each other but they are rarely not together. They sleep close to each other and they will eat out of the same feed trough. It’s really cute. Alex is starting to let me get close to him since Jasper has shown him he is okay. This was a good decision to get Jasper a friend. I’m grateful we were able to get Alex here. They are loving life. They are pretty spoiled already. They have fans and space to themselves. The chickens do still live with them. That in itself is funny. I catch both of them chasing the chickens to try to head butt them. Now I’m just waiting to get the barn built so we can fix the fence and the gate so they can run around on a couple of acres. They are going to love it. 

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