Sunday, June 6, 2021


 Well, I knew Jasper was lonely. We did try to bring another cow home to keep him company and that didn’t work. Clare was not happy here. Ronnie and I had talked about bringing another cow home. We found one where we got Jasper and I just fell in love with him. They gave us time to get a pen up for them and we went to get Alex home yesterday. Alex is a steer. We took Jasper with us so he could be banded also. We also wanted to make sure they would get along so they were put into a pen together for awhile and they seemed to do fine. Alex even let me pet on him. They got in the trailer together and they have been doing fine together since we got them home together. They are becoming friends and will do fine together. I’m happy they both are here together. We did get them both unloaded without any difficulty. I’m grateful for that. It did not go well with Clare but Alex is much more relaxed than Clare was. Alex is a great addition to the farm. He has only been around other cows so it has been interesting. When the horse makes noises or the donkeys, he runs out to see what is happening. He chases the chickens around because he has never seen one. It’s cute. I know he will be fine here. 

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