Sunday, June 6, 2021

Visiting Clare

 While we were out getting Jasper banded and Alex acquainted, Ronnie and I got to see Clare. I will be honest and tell you, having her here was trying but I happen to miss her. After seeing her again, I felt like we didn’t give it enough time. I don’t know that for sure but that is how I felt when I looked at her. When I spoke to her she remembered me. You could tell by her eyes, they got huge in recognition. When Ronnie spoke to her, she had even more of a reaction of recognition. She was looking for us. I’m not sure if that was good or bad but I know she knew us. I hope she finds a great place to live. Who knows, maybe one day she we be back here. She is getting broke now so we shall see. If not, I will never forget her. She taught me a lot in the short time she was here. 

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