Saturday, July 3, 2021


 So, this week has been a rough one. I am posting these stories to show that having all of these animals is not always easy. At the end of the day, they are still animals and have a mind of their own.  I think it was Monday evening. Ronnie wasn’t home yet when I got home so I went out to start feeding. I knew Jeb, the horse had started to get food aggressive for some reason since he had been in a small pen for a few days after his last vet visit. I brought out the food and somehow got in between Jeb and Noma. Apparently Jeb had accepted Noma and Cracker Jack into his herd. He is good aggressive toward us humans to make sure they get food. I have never seen that. Anyway, I was pouring out the food and Jeb was on my right, Noma and Cracker Jack walked up onto my Left. I was leaving the area, but not fast enough. Jeb didn’t want me in between him and Noma. I saw his food coming up but I couldn’t get out of the way fast enough and got kicked. Since I knew it was coming I was able to angle my body to where I got kicked right in the rear end. I knew another one was coming if I didn’t get out of the way so I ran out of there. I am okay. There is a nice bruise on my backside but I will refrain from showing you that. I was so shocked about what had just happened. He doesn’t want much to do with me right now. I’m not mad at him, I knew to be careful. At least I got out of the way. We have a new way of feeding so that doesn’t happen again. Yes, he is getting fixed, the vet checks him often to see if he is old enough to be able to be fixed. We are waiting. 

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