Sunday, July 18, 2021


 When I decided to adopt Peanut Butter and Jelly, I knew they went to the shelter together and I did not want to separate them. It would be harder for them if they were separated. I just could not do that. Once they got here, I wondered how much they really were bonded. They didn’t seem to like each other so much. Peanut Butter was kind of a bully, still is a bit but not as bad. However, after time, it looks like he was trying to get Jelly to open up. Ronnie told me one morning he went into the shop and he saw Peanut Butter with his arm around Jelly. He said at that moment, he knew they were bonded. Now they do hang out more together and do seem like they needed each other. Jelly took longer to come around than Peanut Butter. I’m glad they are here together. They did need each other. 

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