Sunday, July 18, 2021

More Thunderstorms

 The last thunderstorm we had didn’t last long but I learned a few things about these animals. I know animals are so smart. Watching them in action was even better. It was raining, thundering and lightning. I watched Earl get up under one of the vehicles. Peanut Butter and Jelly stayed in the shop. The goats and donkeys hurried to the barn. The baby goats, Ethel, and Wheezy went into their shelter. The cows were locked up due to Jeb not doing well that day so he was in the pen also. We locked the cows in to protect them, so they were dry. Cracker Jack and Noma went to their shelter. Jeb was locked in a pen, but went thunder hit, he was acting like he would run through the fence, so he was let out and went right to the shelter with Noma and Cracker Jack. The bigger chickens went into the shelter with the cows and the babies all took shelter under a vehicle. The dogs came into the house. The pigs cooled off with the rain, but then went into their shelter. These animals are smart. They know where to go.

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