Saturday, July 10, 2021

Mean Dogs

 A few months ago, Ronnie saw some dogs out in our pasture that were not ours. They looked to be ‘mean dogs’. I’m not of the mindset that the type of breed, which I’m not sure what they were, had the look that they were mean. It was the behavior. They had big shock collars on and they were not where they were supposed to be. We both saw them again not long after that in the pasture behind ours. They a few weeks ago, the neighbor came by to see if they were ours. The dogs were loose again. It’s not good when you have dogs out in the country that look like they could take down a horse. I saw them out again on my way to work one morning and called to let the neighbor know. The dogs looked like they were watching their sheep. A little scary. Then I get the call a couple days later that the dogs did in fact get in the pasture and killed some sheep. The sheriff was called. It makes me sad that people can mistreat an animal to the point they will kill for food or they train them to kill other things. I felt bad for the owner of the sheep as well. The dogs had killed a mom who had given birth 2 hours before, so they lost the babies as well. It was really a sad thing. I do realize this does happen but it just makes me sad. I’m not sure what happened from that point and I do not know who the dogs belonged to but it is just sad all the way around. I will say, I checked on every one of my animals, which I do everyday, but looked extra hard for every chicken to make sure they were all around. I also prayed extra hard for protection around the animals while this has been going on. 

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