Saturday, July 3, 2021

Free Range Chickens

 This week I have been missing two chickens. I looked for them for several days and could not find them. They could have been anywhere. I even went out to check on their roosting spot at night and had to realize that having free range chickens means that they go anywhere and if there is a predator out there, they are at risk. I could not find them and they were not roosting in their spot so I had to come to the realization they were gone. I was sad. A couple days later, Edith and Susie Q were hanging out with the other chickens. I couldn’t believe it. Now, where have they been?? Remember the lost eggs that couldn’t be found?? Apparently these chickens are sitting on top of I’m not really sure how many but a bunch. I am not going to mess with those eggs. I’m not sure how long they have been there and normally the chickens lay them and leave them, but not this time, so we will see what happens there. It’s never a dull moment around here. 

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