Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Mud Hole

 Back in Arkansas, the pigs had a different set up. They had the perfect spot under the trees to keep them from getting so much sun. Here, there are no trees for shade. We have 2 shelters to keep them from the sun. They also have a sun shade and we make sure they have plenty of water. I have ordered another sun shade to give them more shade. The biggest thing that has helped them is a big mud hole. They love that thing. They even have fresh water and they still drink out of the mud hole. They take turns in the mud and it helps them to not get sun burned and it helps them to stay cool since pigs have difficulty with regulating their body temps, especially in hot weather. These guys love the mud. They are doing well and the temps here have not been what they normally are from what I have heard. I’m grateful for that also. 

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