Tuesday, July 13, 2021


 After Jelly’s rough encounter with being terrified of the dogs and me getting injured, that poor guy has been traumatized. He was very stand offish after the encounter. He stayed hidden much of the time. He would only eat and drink when he thought I wasn’t watching him. It really did break my heart. He didn’t do anything wrong, he was scared and was doing what he could to get away. I was starting to be concerned about him. I didn’t want him to end up up not being okay. He definitely was not going outside the shop anymore. I really didn’t know what to do. However, after about 10 days, all of my checking on him and taking him food to him, he has finally started to break out of his shell. He is coming up to me for love and he is eating with Peanut Butter and Earl. He was traumatized, but he is going to over come it. Jelly is going to be fine. It makes me happy that he is going to be okay. 

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