Saturday, July 3, 2021

Rough Encounter

 If things were not bad enough this week… Jelly did find his way out of the shop. However, I was not sure he knew how to get back in. I new I couldn’t find him in the shop. Then Ronnie sent me a pic of him outside. I came out and he was hiding in some tall weeds and they just happened to have thorns on them. I pick him up and start to take him through the gate to get him back in the shop and give him some food. What I didn’t think about were the dogs on the other side of the gate. When Jelly realized there were dogs around him, he freaked out more than I have ever seen in my life. I was holding him and then I felt claws in my arm as he jumped out of my arms and onto my head and then jumped off my head and jumped across 4 dogs and ran to the porch with the dogs chasing him. This cat scaled the wall, no lie and no exaggeration. The dogs were trying to get to him. I’m not sure if he bit me or not since everything happened so fast, but as Ronnie was yelling at the dogs, I grabbed a very scared cat and carried him quickly back to the shop. He jumped down and hid as soon as we got back into the shop. Now, I am not upset with Jelly. Jelly was in survival mode and with him not adjusting well to this home anyway I knew he was only doing what he could. I was bleeding everywhere, my hands, my face, my arms. It seemed bad. Of course once I got everything cleaned up, I thought I would be fine. I wrapped my arm up since it was still bleeding some and went to work. My face just had a few small stops on it. No big deal. Well, a few hours later, I knew that I needed to see a doctor after showing some nurses my wounds. I was swelling and there was a lot of redness. I also started having some pain and having difficulty using my hand due to swelling. Here was the problem, I had not been established with a doctor here yet. I was able to get into the walk in clinic which I didn’t know we had. Thank goodness we do. By 12:30 when I got to the doctor, I was still having a bit of bleeding. You should have seen the looks I got. I know I don’t think things through sometimes and that morning with Jelly was one of those times. Anyway, I got me a tetanus shot and some heavy antibiotics. I am going to be fine. It is looking better everyday. Poor Jelly, when I got home, he was hiding, the next morning he was still in the same spot. He did interact with me yesterday when I got home and it was almost like he was saying I’m sorry. Poor guy. He will be just fine here. I just feel it. He will adjust, it’s just taking more time than Peanut Butter. Again, I am going to say, it was just Jelly in survival mode. He is not a mean cat and it was not his intention to hurt me. I am not looking to get rid of him. This will be his last home. That’s why I adopted him. Not everything is supposed to be easy. Everything you do in life, you learn from. I may have learned the hard way that Jelly didn’t need me to step in and he would have found his way back into the shop. He was almost there anyway.