Saturday, July 3, 2021

PB&J update

 An update on the recently adopted cats. First off, I love them. Earl seems to be accepting them well and the hissing between them has stopped. Earl roams the property but I have kept Peanut Butter and Jelly in the shop so they know where they live at this time. Once they figure out how to get out, which they can at anytime and how to get back, which they can at any time, they can stay in the shop or roam around. I want them to be able to be comfortable with where they are before I let them loose. Which I won’t do, but I know cats like to roam. Peanut Butter seems happy in the shop. There is plenty of food and water and fans keeps it cool in there. He is opening up and loving the attention when I go sit out there with them. He has a bed he has decided is his and hangs out there. He roams the shop when he wants to but he is adjusting really well. Jelly is not adjusting well. He hides all of the time and seems uncomfortable with human interaction. He does fine with the cats. When I come into the shop, he just hides. I know there is an adjustment period and he is scared. I’m trying to give him space but I also try to make sure he is eating and drinking. He is really skinny but he was a small cat anyway. I’m hoping he comes out of his fear soon. I know it takes time. 

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