Monday, July 19, 2021


 Peanut Butter and Jelly were tested yesterday. This was not done on purpose. I left the door to the shop opened. Since day 1, they will not go out that door. They use the window in the back. I don’t know why they do that but they do. Anyway. I left the door opened and went on to feeding the other animals. As I started back, I realized I didn’t see George the rooster anymore and I just knew he was in the shop with those cats. I didn’t know if the cats would be hurt or if they would hurt the rooster. George is my favorite rooster by the way. As I slowly walked into the shop, Peanut Butter had not moved from his spot but was watching George. Jelly was in a spot that he didn’t even know what was going on and didn’t care. He had the breeze in his fave and was loving it. I ran George out. I guess these cats are going to be fine. We have a bunch of chickens here so I’m glad they left him alone. They passed the test none of us knew was coming. 

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