Saturday, July 10, 2021

Egg saga

 Edith and Suzie Q have been sitting on eggs. I went to check on them this week to see if they were still doing that. I got a surprise. The eggs were gone. All of them but one. I didn’t see the chickens either. I didn’t want to get too close because in my head I was thinking, I do not want to tangle with whatever ate or stole all of those eggs. I walked closer and I did find Edith but the grass was high and I could not see her eyes. To be honest, she did not look to be alive. I was concerned. I also knew, if she was alive and I put my hand near her, she would peck me. So, I found a wooded stake we had for building fence and took it over there. I didn’t even have to touch her, she pecked the stake so I knew she was fine. Obviously I left her alone after that. As I continued to look, I noticed eggs under her, so I guess the chickens decided to move their eggs. I’m not sure how many are left, but those girls are still sitting on those eggs. I’m curious to see what happens. I wish I knew how long they have been sitting on them. Only time will tell. 

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