Monday, July 19, 2021

It’s Happening

 It takes 21 days for chicken eggs to hatch. I did not know these hens had been laying on the eggs that long. I got home and Ronnie said, go look under the trailer. I went to look under the trailer. I had not seen Suzie Q in some time but knew her and Edith were laying on eggs. As I went out there, I kept a distance because, let’s face it, I’ve had some bad luck lately and really didn’t want to go to the doctor and tell him I had been attacked by some laying hens. Anyway. As I went out there, I’m pretty sure the eggs were hatching under Edith. I sat there a minute and saw 2 babies and by the time I stopped watch there were 5. By the sound of it, there are more but I didn’t get to see them. I went to check later and only one was out from underneath Edith. That one will be named Rowdy. He would get underneath Edith and then jump back out and do it again and again. I know some had not hatched yet because I could see the eggs but they moved again. It will be interesting to see how many hatch. I know there were 2 dozen eggs under there when I counted last. Good grief. What am I going to do with all of these chickens. I am excited to see them up and around. 

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