Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Feeding Wars

 Jelly just cannot win. He has been traumatized after the dog incident. He is eating very little. I know he is scared and I just want him to be okay. I know all of this is new for him. I brought out some tuna and figured out possibly why he isn’t eating. Peanut Butter is trying to eat it all and Jelly is letting him. I will be working on this. I have been making sure Jelly is getting some food. He is so skinny. I think he has been traumatized too much to go outside again but I don’t want that for him. Peanut Butter actually started to go out the door and saw a chicken run by and ran back into the shop. Earl is friendly with them but apparently has decided to sleep on my car. Not sure I like that arrangement. I’m still working on Peanut Butter and Jelly. It’s only been a little over a week and it takes time. They will both come to me now. Peanut Butter is even going up to Ronnie now. He is settling in well. Jelly will get there. I just know it. 

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