Sunday, July 18, 2021


 Peanut Butter and Jelly have decided to try independence. I wondered when that would happen. One night I went out right before it got dark and both cats were gone. As I have said before, they can get out at any time. They decided this was the time. Of course I hate that and was a nervous wreck. I’m like an overly protective mom with these animals. I know I can’t do that though. I looked out and saw Peanut Butter in some high weeds. I went over and gave him a little pat on the head and left him there. I learned my lesson with Jelly. I did not see Jelly but figured he was not far from Peanut Butter. I left them outside and went back in. I thought of them several times during the night and prayed for their safety and that they would come back. The next morning I woke up and went out to check on them. Peanut Butter was there, Jelly wasn’t. I was a little crushed but then Ronnie came in and said Jelly was there. He slid in after I had come into the house. Now, every evening they leave. They come back early in the morning to eat and stay in the shop all day. In the mornings now, they both greet me every morning at the door wanting food. I’m glad they are learning where they belong and they do come back when they go wander at night. 

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