Sunday, July 18, 2021

New Places

 When you bring an animal home, especially a rescued or adopted one, these guys are nervous. They don’t know their new owners, they don’t understand what is happening or where they fit in. I’m sure it’s scary for them. Most of these animals here have taken about a week to realize they are going to be okay. It takes them a while to learn who you are and what the routine is. I mean, when our whole life changes, it’s overwhelming. It’s the same for animals. They have to learn and that takes time. They have to relearn where the food and water is. They have to learn when they eat. They have to relearn where they sleep. It can be overwhelming for them. So, when you adopt an animal, remember that they are relearn and they are trying. They aren’t sure what is happening to them or why. A lot of them have been given up or some even abandoned. They have to trust again. Trust takes time. Give them time before you give up. These animals will learn and they make the best pets. They know after a while that you love them and they will love you back. There are so many animals that need homes. Please think about adopting. Animals everywhere are in shelters that could not get a second chance unless someone gives them a chance. Give them a chance, you will be glad you did. 

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