Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Rough Morning

 I’m going to tell you about my rough morning. I don’t normally have rough mornings like this and before I tell it, I can’t make this stuff up. So, Ronnie left this morning around 6 am. I got up a little while later to go feed all the animals. I walk out into the shop and Jelly is there, no Peanut Butter. That’s how this started. I didn’t panic, I just thought he was running late for breakfast and would be there shortly. Jelly looked so lost. I didn’t see Earl either so I was wondering about him, he is usually at the shop door waiting for breakfast. I start the feeding process and Jeb, the horse is down. That’s when I should have turned around and went back to bed, but I didn’t. I fed the cows and the donkeys and the chickens. Jeb was still down. I go get a lead rope, but who am I kidding, I can’t pull him up. I did try though. As I am walking back to the shop, I see the dogs barking and looking up in the tree, there sits Peanut Butter. So now I have a cat up in a tree to deal with. I go back in the shop and get the pig feed. As I am getting the pig feed, Peanut Butter jumps in the window and announces he is home and then goes to the food bowl with Jelly. He was quite dramatic about his return. Im not sure how he got out of that tree but he did. I go to the pigs and feed them. I throw out some feed to the hens and baby chicks as I walk toward the pigs. Im calling my husband to see what to do about Jeb. As I am on the phone with my husband, I see Earl. He is crouched down and is injured, looks like he was attacked by something. He had some cuts and was limping, otherwise looked okay. He was not bleeding but he did not want to get up. I pick him up and put him in the shop to hang out for the day and feel better. I try once again to get Jeb up with no luck. I start to go in the house, I felt defeated and upset, but I had to go to work. As I look out in the pasture, I see the 4 donkeys and 3 goats over there at the water trough and then I look up and see chickens in the tree. There were literally chickens in the tree above them. At that point I knew it was time to go back to bed but I still needed to get to work. I was concerned about Jeb and Earl so I came home at lunch. Earl was in the same spot he was in when I left him but the other two cats were trying to get him moving. He looked at me like just leave me alone, so I did. He was in a cool spot so I knew he would be okay. I then go check on Jeb. He is down but in a totally different spot. He wouldn’t get up but I knew he could. A few hours later, my friend that works with me went by to check on Jeb and he was up and in the pasture. She even got to pet Noma a little!! As I went home this evening, I fed all of the animals again and they all seemed okay. Earl isn’t himself and acts like he doesn’t feel well but I did watch him eat, so that’s good. Whew, what a day. I think I’m glad that’s over. Tomorrow will be better. Having all of these animals can be tough for sure. 

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