Saturday, July 24, 2021

Earl’s attack

 Earl seems to be healing after him being attacked. Earl is the most happy go lucky cat I have ever seen. He minds his own business and stays away from most the other animals. Him along with Peanut Butter and Jelly stick to the 3 of them. I started to wonder how he got attacked and by who. I knew it wasn’t the other cats so who was it?? It did not take me long to figure it out. My guess is he got too close to Edith with her baby chicks. They have been living under the horse trailer and you can’t see her under there. I know Earl gets out and wanders around over there, minding his own business but if he got too close then I’m thinking she attacked him. Here is he I came up with that scenario. They other day Ronnie and I were watering the animals. I see Jeb walking toward us. Edith was along the same path with her chicks. I saw her run at him and try to attack him. The poor horse didn’t know what to do, so he turned the other way and left. Yesterday as I was going to feed the pigs, I saw Edith and her chicks close to where I needed to walk but figured I could make a path away from them and be fine. Nope. She charged me and attacked me. Luckily I wasn’t wearing shorts. I was not even close to her but she didn’t want me close so she made sure I wouldn’t be close to her. Earl is looking better and that’s what’s important. He has stayed in the shop for 3 days without leaving so he could heal. This morning he was not in the shop but came home to eat. He is still limping a little and his face is scratched up some, but he is healing well, enough to jump out the window anyway. I think he will stay away from Edith from now on. 


  1. Awww poor baby. I don't think I like Edith!

  2. Lol!! Edith is just protecting her chicks but I definitely stay away from her and so does Earl… now.
