Saturday, January 30, 2021

Update on Noma and Pete

 I haven’t been able to spend as much time with Noma and Pete lately since Romeo has been sick and having the new baby goats. I hope they don’t feel neglected. This morning, I got up and fed the animals since I couldn’t sleep. The 3 donkeys were in the back pasture by the pigs area. They have been hanging out down there a lot. Noma brayed at me this morning along with Cracker Jack. That in itself is a win in my book. I fed the pigs and those donkeys were not happy because I didn’t give them feed. I went back to the shop and brought back a bag of treats for them. I shook the bag several times and believe it or not, Noma was the one that came over first. She ate out of my hand and I was able to let her while she was standing up. I was on the other side of the fence from her, but regardless, there is progress being made. It may be small steps, but I’m so happy about those small steps. Pete is still really unsure but he came to my hand. He would not take any treats from my hand but he came to it and I was able to touch his nose. I have also noticed that Noma has not been down as much. When she is down, she is able to get back up really well and quickly. Things are headed in the right direction. Patience is the key here. 

Dust storms

 I went through my first dust storm with a little wind mixed in it. Ok, I’m lying, it was a lot of wind. I have never seen anything like it. I know I have said that before, but today I saw wind that puts what I have seen lately to shame. We had to run to a few towns over and when we got home, our lean to was literally moved and upside down from the wind. It was made with sheet metal. I could not believe it. That is a crazy amount of wind. The dust was absolutely nuts also. The sky was red from all of the dust. I was amazed. The terms red dirt country have a whole new meaning to me now. 


 Ronnie and I have been super busy today. When we got home earlier, all of the goats and donkeys were at the back of the property down by the pigs, except for Hercules. He isn’t sick or anything but he just seems sad. Am I crazy to think he is mourning Romeo?? We have had a bit of a wind/dust storm which is a post all on its own. The lean to where we had Romeo is now upside down a few feet from where it was sitting upright, Hercules has been laying in the straw where Romeo was. I feel like Hercules is missing him. Hercules was Romeo’s dad. I went out and sat with him a little today. We took a few selfies and then he got up and joined the rest of the crew. I feel for Hercules if that is what is going on. I miss Romeo, too. 

Thursday, January 28, 2021


 So, as you have seen, I have been sad because of Romeo. I had a minor little break down after I found him. I walked over and just sat in the field and cried for a few minutes. Animals can feel our emotions. Noma and Pete stood and stared at me with ears straight up. Cracker Jack walked a wide path around me but watched me. Carlos came over and checked on me. Lucky has never been friendly so he just walked past me. Hercules, however, he came right over to me and was in my face. It was like he knew I needed a hug or something. He definitely knew I needed a laugh. He started making faces and he he was nuzzling my ear. He is truly an amazing animal. He works my nerves sometimes but he is a blessing. I felt a little better after that encounter. I was able to get up and finish the chores that needed to be finished. Ronnie came home and Romeo was buried that night. Hercules made me feel better. He knew what I needed. 

Goodbye Romeo

 This is a sad post to make. I really am sad today. Tuesday night when I got home, Ronnie had fed all of the animals so I asked about Romeo. He said Romeo had started having diarrhea again and he was unable to get up anymore. I was trying to stay positive since he had been fighting for so long. I went out and sat with him for awhile. He was unable to get up but I picked him up and he was able to stand. He was up eating when I left him. I told him I loved him and hugged his neck. I work up at 4:30 am with a sinking feeling and an urgency to go check on him but I ended up falling back asleep thinking I was dreaming. Ronnie came in and told me he was leaving for work at 4:45am. I still didn’t get up. I kept thinking I need to get up and check but I didn’t. I am not a morning person and Ronnie has already fed. I didn’t ask about Romeo. When I finally got up, I needed to hurry and get ready to go to work, I had to be at work at 7:30am. I had a sinking feeling all day. When I pulled in the driveway from work, I knew Romeo was gone. I put off checking because I already knew. I fed the dogs, then the chickens, then the pigs. The other goats and donkeys were on the back field. I finally got up my nerve and went to where Romeo was. Sure enough, he had passed away. I was heartbroken. I am still heartbroken. Romeo had fought and fought for months with diarrhea. We tried working and we tried coccidiosis meds. We tried supplements and electrolytes. He was skin and bones and dehydrated. I feel like we did what we could. He fought and we fought with him. I think he finally gave up. I called Ronnie to let him know what had happened. We both had the same feeling during the day but he had not checked on Romeo that morning either so he didn’t bother him. He did say that all of the animals were lined up around the pen he was in that morning, so at least he wasn’t alone. Romeo was the sweetest thing. He loved being loved on. He wanted attention. He loved everyone. He will truly be missed. I need to remember that he is not suffering anymore, but my heart is still broken. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 Persia is not known around here for being a sweet loving cat. She is a mess. She will literally jump off of the walls at times. She makes things interesting to say the least. However, on days I am feeling overly stressed or in a bad mood, she won’t leave my side. Tonight is one of those nights. I’m exhausted and emotionally drained. I’m worried about Romeo and that’s the majority of it. Persia would not get out of my lap tonight. It does help to make me feel better. Animals know when you aren’t feeling yourself. This girl is my baby and has been for 11 years now. 

Sunday, January 24, 2021


 Either Romeo broke out of his own place or the other goats broke him out. I went out to check on the little babies and noticed his gate was opened. He was out in the field grazing. I left him out there. He was acting like he was enjoying himself. He was alone though. Later I was out feeding and Ronnie said we either needed to put him back in his place or move him into the other field. We didn’t want to put him in with the babies just yet since they aren’t used to being here yet. I didn’t want to stress them more at this time. I didn’t want Romeo out in the other field alone due to possible predators out there. I’m careful about that because you never know. Anyway. I asked him what happened and he said he watched Hercules ran into the side of Romeo again and knock him over. The good thing is Romeo was able to get up this time on his own. That’s progress. However, Ronnie and I both think Romeo needs more time to heal before dealing with Hercules. It’s really sad. I gave Romeo some more supplements today to help him. He is gaining weight which makes me happy. I’m still praying for a full recovery. He is so much better than he was and I’m grateful for that. I want to wait a few more days before putting him in with the babies. 


 Edith is one of the only chickens here that is laying eggs at the moment. This crazy chicken... All of the chickens and the roosters have been using the pen where the baby goats are now for whatever chickens do. The shelter we have for the babies is actually where George was stuck when it snowed. Anyway. There are pine shavings in the shelter now so it’s warm and comfy. This morning I’m all the hoopla with the babies, Edith decides she is going to go hang out in the shelter. It may be because we were working on the area where she usually goes in and out of the shop to lay her egg. This girl lays an egg in the goats shelter. I’m telling, these animals make me laugh. 

Go figure

 Ronnie went out to feed this morning while I was still asleep. He comes back in the house and tells me he needs help because the babies got out. I wish I had pictures but I don’t. I hurry up and get up. I walk out of the house and see the babies at the fence looking at Carlos, Hercules, and Lucky. I’m not sure how long they had been out but like goats do, they didn’t go anywhere. I put some feed in the bucket and after some convincing, they followed me back in. Ronnie and I were looking but could not find anywhere they could get out. We had discussed maybe they jumped on top of the shelter and jumped the fence. I really just didn’t see it since they are so small. Well, while we were trying to figure it out, Buckwheat decides he is leaving and he goes over to a spot that neither of us would have even seen. At the end of the fence where it meets up with the shop there was a small opening that they could get out of. Now that’s fixed. I’ve been out several times this morning checking on them and they are still where they should be. Oh this will be fun. 

New residents

 We have 2 new residents here. They are 2 Nigerian dwarf goat kids.  They are named Buckwheat and Porkey after characters in the Little Rascals.  The names were already there and we liked the names so they will remain.  They are 5 months old. Looks like I might be their 3rd home. They are not too impressed with humans at the moment. I adopted them. Romeo needs some friends, so I adopted these 2 babies. They are not friendly yet but I have no doubt they will get there. They are twins and cannot be without each other. I’m glad I took them both. They need each other and are definitely bonded. They follow each other and they have to be within each other’s sight. I haven’t had kids this young so this will be an experience. I’m up for it. We did not put them in the field where the others are since they are so small and do not know us. We have a spot behind the shop that had a small shelter in it and it is lit up well. Ronnie did a few modifications and I put shavings in the shelter for them. They didn’t use the shelter but they will eventually. I am giving them a few days and then I will introduce Romeo to them. They will be their own herd now. These guys already have personality and are hilarious. I am excited to see them thrive. Once they grow and get used to us, they will have their own pasture also. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

This morning

 I think Noma might be starting to warm up some. She was eating out of my hand a few days ago. This morning I went out to check on Romeo. I walked over to where he was and all of the other animals followed me, including Noma and Pete. This was a huge step this morning. I usually inch my way toward them. This morning, they came to me. I wish I had a picture. I was crouched down talking to Cracker Jack, yes I talk to my animals and I never said I was a sane person. I looked up and Noma is coming toward me, moving goats out of the way to get to me. She stopped close to my face and stared me in the eyes for a few seconds and then she walked away. I didn’t want to scare her with my phone trying to get a pic of how close she was. This may seem like a small thing but to me this is huge. I stood up and walked to her, but she still does not like to be petted or anyone to be close to her if she is up. It does make me curious to why that is but I will never know that. Pete still does not want much to do with me but he is coming closer also. It’s a big step for these animals. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Not so good surprise

 When I got home, it was cold and looking rainy. I was trying to get out and feed and get back inside. I fed the dogs, then the chickens, then the pigs. As I was walking toward the pigs I looked over in the area when the donkeys and goats were. I couldn’t find Romeo. I wasn’t really worried, he sometimes goes off on his own. Since he has been so sick, the other goats are not nice to him. Hercules actually head butts him so badly. I watched Hercules the other day head butt Romeo until he couldn’t get up. Broke my heart. I finished with the pigs and Ronnie was getting hay in the barn for the rest of them. I asked him if Romeo was in the barn. Ronnie said he wasn’t. I started looking for him and then I see him, not moving and on his side alone. My heart dropped. I just knew he was gone. I hurried over there and right before I got there, I heard him bleating at me. He was looking at me. I don’t know how long he had been on his side but his little voice said a while. He sounds really raspy, probably for crying out for help for so long and no one home to help which really breaks my heart. We have a lean to with a rigged up gate which will keep out the rain and he will be warm. Ronnie fixed all of that up tonight. He is in there alone which I hate but he has his own bale of hay and his own water. Maybe that will help him for a few days. Guys, I broke down and am bringing a couple of goats home this weekend for Romeo so he won’t be alone and sad. Pray for this sweet guy. He has been sick so long and now he is finally better and the other goats are trying to hurt him. And pray he makes it a little longer to get his strength back. I’ve got him new friends coming. 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Mattie’s Mountain

 I do not think I have mentioned this here on my blog. I did talk about it in my book. It is also mentioned in the children’s book coming out this year and the next book I will hopefully get out at the end of the year, if I can get it finished that is. This is a long post but hang in with me until the end. In February of 2019, I got a frantic call from a friend of mine. We have been friends since we were 5. We have had each other’s backs through more than I ever care to share. She was calling me to tell me her brother had committed suicide. He had a long fight with drugs and depression. He had lost his fight that day. No one ever wants to go through that. These people are family to me. After this happened, it was like God was telling me I needed to help others in this situation. Long story short, (the long version is in my book on Amazon) I am working on a nonprofit to help with kids and teenagers who have depression and suicidal thought. This is becoming a bigger problem than ever. I would like to help. So, right after Matthew passed away, my husband and I started bringing in animals to our farm. The majority of them have been rescued and all have a story to be heard, same as these kids. I am going to bring these animals and these kids together and help with their pain and depression. I am working on my 501c3 to get this going. I am working on the logistics of how this will work. I will welcome any and all advice. I have written a book to help with some of the cost and it is doing well. I had self published some books that funded me rescuing some donkeys from a kill pen. I believe this is what I am meant to do. I believe these kids need something positive to focus on. I know God has a plan and I’m getting bits and pieces at a time. Today is Matthew’s birthday and I felt like this was a good time to share this. I do have permission and support from his family and they will be involved in this process. Matthew’s story needs to be heard, as well as other stories. If anyone has a story they would like shared, contact me. I feel like big things are coming. Please help me pray about this and what needs to be done. These animals will play a big part in this nonprofit. I’m excited to get things going. I want to thank those of you reading who have helped and who are going to help. 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Sweet Romeo

 You guys, I have been trying to help Romeo for months. I have prayed and prayed and prayed for Romeo. Seriously, since October or November. I thought he had worms, so I wormed him. He continued to have diarrhea. Had the vet to the house who thought it was worms, so I wormed him again. He continued to have problems. Got some meds for coccidiosis in case that was the problem. It wasn’t. He has been so sick. I have tried electrolytes, supplements, etc. It has been so bad. He is so fragile and weak. He is so skinny. I have tried and tried. The other day, I gave him some red cell that is meant for horses. I thought it wouldn’t hurt since we had literally tried everything else. A few days later, I noticed his poop was not as runny. Sorry for the descriptions. Anyway, as the days went on, he seemed to look better. Tonight, I was walking behind him and I saw him poop regularly consistent goat poop. I jumped up and down saying, Thank you, Jesus. I was so excited. He is still really weak and pitiful. In fact, Ronnie and I were worming the rest of the goats tonight and that’s so dramatic in itself. We put the goats in a small fenced area so we could get the meds down them. Hercules head butted Romeo so hard in the side he fell over and could not get up. Ronnie and I thought Hercules killed him. It was so awful. Romeo seems okay now but he wasn’t there for a bit. It’s been rough lately with Romeo. He is so precious and I wasn’t ready to say goodbye and luckily I don’t have to. I’m hoping he is truly on the mend now. 

Noma with Attitude

 So, my dear Noma I do believe is starting to feel better. She may be a bit sassy. I came home the other day from work and Ronnie was telling me Noma had been down and he went out to give her some supplements. He said she saw the drench gun and jumped right up. Today we had a few errands to run and when we left her and Pete and actually all the animals were laying out in the sun. When we got home, she was still in the same spot. So, I go to get the drench gun to give her the supplements. I said her name before I went to get the drench gun and I saw her trying to get up as I walked in the gate. She got right up. Apparently, she does not like the supplements. We had to get feed today for all 33 animals we have here now and I got some treats that have some supplements in them she needs. She actually ate them out of my hand. I’m not sure we are out of the woods with Noma yet, but she is better and she has an attitude which makes me like her more. 

Thursday, January 14, 2021


 Sorry I haven’t posted in a bit. I have been so busy. I will give you a run down of animals. All of the chickens and roosters are doing fine. I have 2 chickens giving me eggs so I get 2 eggs a day. I don’t eat them so there’s that. The pigs all seem to be doing fine. It snowed again last weekend so we did some improvements to a pig shelter and they seem to love it. Romeo is doing better and better. I was losing hope for a little bit, but he seems to be doing well. Hercules and Lucky have been rubbing their scent on every little thing until the back of their heads are almost bald. Carlos is doing fine. Cracker Jack has gained so much weight since he has all of that grass to eat. I hope it comes off some in the summer. He doesn’t get his beloved peanuts like he once did since they don’t sell them like they do back home. Pete is getting friendlier. He at least comes closer to me and smells me but then usually backs up. Wonder if he doesn’t like the way I smell. Noma is doing considerably better. Ronnie saw her laying down yesterday and got the drench gun out for meds but he said she jumped up quickly when she saw that. I have only seen her down 2 times this week. I would say that’s progress. The dogs and cats are all doing well. It sure is an adventure around here.