Sunday, January 10, 2021


 Maggie has not been the same since we moved. She has seemed depressed for some reason. I know she is getting older. She just hasn’t seemed happy. Today with all of the snow, that dog ran all over the place. She loves the snow. It made her happy today. I also figured out she was having a problem with on of her nails on the back leg. She has on dew claw and it grows back into her foot if not clipped. Apparently that had happened again and I wasn’t on top of it like normal with the move and the new job and all those other excuses I could give. In all honesty, I had not been checking on it like normal. So today I got it clipped, cleaned it up with peroxide and gave her antibiotics. She seems to be feeling much better after all of that is over. I need to get it together!! 

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