Saturday, January 9, 2021


 Noma has not had the best week. Sunday she was down and couldn’t get up. Monday she was up all day. Tuesday she went down early afternoon and was down all day and most of the night. Ronnie was able to give her meds and she was up the next morning. She got down again the next evening and was still in the same spot the next morning still down. A friend of mine mentioned some stuff to get, so Thursday Ronnie went and got some red cell, some wormer, some B12 and gave Noma all of that. He had given her antibiotics for a runny nose on Tuesday. Noma has been up and around ever since he gave her the meds. I have not seen her down at all the last 2 days. She may lay down to sleep in the barn or wherever she is but she has been up. I’m so grateful for this. It seems to be an improvement. Now to get her feet fixed. They are so bad. 

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