Monday, January 4, 2021

Break Through

 I worried so much last night about Noma. I pull in the driveway from work and she is laying down. If you saw her hooves and the way she has to walk, you would understand her laying down so much. I get it but I do panic when she can’t get up. Anyway. Noma is really skinny. She has put on some weight since she came here but she is still skinny. Cracker Jack and all the goats were on the back side of the property down by the pigs so I thought we could be smart and get them some feed so she could eat before they got back. Well, that was a no. Ronnie got the feed out and Kenzie went to feed them while I fed the pigs. Of course the rest of the herd runs to get some feed. We don’t give them much feed, but here lately we have because Noma needs it. Romeo still does also. Kenzie poured out some feed in the trough and Ronnie put more out in a different spot for the goats since they wouldn’t eat out of the trough. Kenzie stood there and was able to feed Noma out of the bucket. She was even able to pet Pete for a second. When the bucket was gone, I was feed Cracker Jack and the goats some stuff and she came over like we had been friends forever and just started eating out of that bucket also. She wouldn’t share with Pete who started biting at her and then was trying to nurse. She tried to kick him to get him away from her. I do think things are falling into place. They are warming up and doing well here. I’m grateful for that. They both deserve to be happy. 

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