Thursday, January 14, 2021


 Sorry I haven’t posted in a bit. I have been so busy. I will give you a run down of animals. All of the chickens and roosters are doing fine. I have 2 chickens giving me eggs so I get 2 eggs a day. I don’t eat them so there’s that. The pigs all seem to be doing fine. It snowed again last weekend so we did some improvements to a pig shelter and they seem to love it. Romeo is doing better and better. I was losing hope for a little bit, but he seems to be doing well. Hercules and Lucky have been rubbing their scent on every little thing until the back of their heads are almost bald. Carlos is doing fine. Cracker Jack has gained so much weight since he has all of that grass to eat. I hope it comes off some in the summer. He doesn’t get his beloved peanuts like he once did since they don’t sell them like they do back home. Pete is getting friendlier. He at least comes closer to me and smells me but then usually backs up. Wonder if he doesn’t like the way I smell. Noma is doing considerably better. Ronnie saw her laying down yesterday and got the drench gun out for meds but he said she jumped up quickly when she saw that. I have only seen her down 2 times this week. I would say that’s progress. The dogs and cats are all doing well. It sure is an adventure around here. 

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