Sunday, January 3, 2021

Oh Noma

 Noma is getting more friendly. She got close to Ronnie today and she let Kenzie pet her. That is some progress. She seems to be feeling more at home. I even got to pet Pete two different times today... only for a second though. He still isn’t too sure. Noma was up most of the day today. This evening I went out and she was laying down. She tried to get up several times and couldn’t. I brought out food and she still couldn’t get up so I let her eat from the bucket. Pete tried to get her up also but she couldn’t. So, Kenzie and I sat with her for awhile just petting her and living on her. She even played with me a bit. I would pet under her chin, I know she doesn’t particularly like that and she would attempt to nibble on me. She wouldn’t of course but she seemed to enjoy the attention. I am hoping and praying she is just tired and can’t get up because of that. I’m praying she is up in the morning. She deserves to live happily for more time. 


  1. I know. It’s awful. Her hooves are a mess, possibly from foundering. She is probably older than we think. She has just lost a baby. She deserves to be loved and cared for a while.
