Sunday, January 24, 2021

New residents

 We have 2 new residents here. They are 2 Nigerian dwarf goat kids.  They are named Buckwheat and Porkey after characters in the Little Rascals.  The names were already there and we liked the names so they will remain.  They are 5 months old. Looks like I might be their 3rd home. They are not too impressed with humans at the moment. I adopted them. Romeo needs some friends, so I adopted these 2 babies. They are not friendly yet but I have no doubt they will get there. They are twins and cannot be without each other. I’m glad I took them both. They need each other and are definitely bonded. They follow each other and they have to be within each other’s sight. I haven’t had kids this young so this will be an experience. I’m up for it. We did not put them in the field where the others are since they are so small and do not know us. We have a spot behind the shop that had a small shelter in it and it is lit up well. Ronnie did a few modifications and I put shavings in the shelter for them. They didn’t use the shelter but they will eventually. I am giving them a few days and then I will introduce Romeo to them. They will be their own herd now. These guys already have personality and are hilarious. I am excited to see them thrive. Once they grow and get used to us, they will have their own pasture also. 

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