Sunday, January 24, 2021

Go figure

 Ronnie went out to feed this morning while I was still asleep. He comes back in the house and tells me he needs help because the babies got out. I wish I had pictures but I don’t. I hurry up and get up. I walk out of the house and see the babies at the fence looking at Carlos, Hercules, and Lucky. I’m not sure how long they had been out but like goats do, they didn’t go anywhere. I put some feed in the bucket and after some convincing, they followed me back in. Ronnie and I were looking but could not find anywhere they could get out. We had discussed maybe they jumped on top of the shelter and jumped the fence. I really just didn’t see it since they are so small. Well, while we were trying to figure it out, Buckwheat decides he is leaving and he goes over to a spot that neither of us would have even seen. At the end of the fence where it meets up with the shop there was a small opening that they could get out of. Now that’s fixed. I’ve been out several times this morning checking on them and they are still where they should be. Oh this will be fun. 

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