Friday, January 1, 2021

George the Rooster

 Last night I was sending some pics to a friend of mine of the animals and the snow. I sent her a picture of George the rooster who was under an awning but the back of the shop. He hangs out there a lot so I didn’t think much of it. I just figured he would go back into the spot where all of the other chickens were. I didn’t think much of it. When I got home I let the dogs out to run out some energy while I did some laundry and little things around the house. The dogs were back by the chickens so I made them come in. Kenzie is here this weekend and her and I went around looking at all the animals. George was still in the same spot. I still did not clue into anything. A few minutes later Kenzie and Ronnie has an errand to run and so I went out to feed. Let me stop here and remind you who George is. He is my rooster who is blind in one eye. He has spurs on him that are huge. I’m careful around him. So I start looking and it finally clicks that George is terrified and has probably been stuck in that spot since it started snowing. Luckily it’s behind the shop and the awning is positioned out of the wind and there was no accumulation of snow under there. The dogs had been over there because their paw prints were there. George did not want to get his feet wet. I got him out of there but he took 5 small steps into the snow and ran back under there. Poor guy. I felt so terrible not realizing he was trapped under there. I found a board to get him out of there and kind of just guided him with the board to get him with the rest of his people. He walked on the edge of the snow for as long as he could. He even tried to run back under the awning but couldn’t because I was in the way. He just over the fence into another dry spot but was face to face with Daisy and Bella. George is the rooster Daisy tried to kill a while back. I got to him before he jumped over that gate and into the dog pen. He finally gave up and ran in the snow to where his friends were. I feel so bad I didn’t realize what was happening. I know he got fed under there because he really does hang out there a lot. At least tonight he will be more comfortable. I will watch closer next time. 

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