Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Not so good surprise

 When I got home, it was cold and looking rainy. I was trying to get out and feed and get back inside. I fed the dogs, then the chickens, then the pigs. As I was walking toward the pigs I looked over in the area when the donkeys and goats were. I couldn’t find Romeo. I wasn’t really worried, he sometimes goes off on his own. Since he has been so sick, the other goats are not nice to him. Hercules actually head butts him so badly. I watched Hercules the other day head butt Romeo until he couldn’t get up. Broke my heart. I finished with the pigs and Ronnie was getting hay in the barn for the rest of them. I asked him if Romeo was in the barn. Ronnie said he wasn’t. I started looking for him and then I see him, not moving and on his side alone. My heart dropped. I just knew he was gone. I hurried over there and right before I got there, I heard him bleating at me. He was looking at me. I don’t know how long he had been on his side but his little voice said a while. He sounds really raspy, probably for crying out for help for so long and no one home to help which really breaks my heart. We have a lean to with a rigged up gate which will keep out the rain and he will be warm. Ronnie fixed all of that up tonight. He is in there alone which I hate but he has his own bale of hay and his own water. Maybe that will help him for a few days. Guys, I broke down and am bringing a couple of goats home this weekend for Romeo so he won’t be alone and sad. Pray for this sweet guy. He has been sick so long and now he is finally better and the other goats are trying to hurt him. And pray he makes it a little longer to get his strength back. I’ve got him new friends coming. 

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