Saturday, January 16, 2021

Sweet Romeo

 You guys, I have been trying to help Romeo for months. I have prayed and prayed and prayed for Romeo. Seriously, since October or November. I thought he had worms, so I wormed him. He continued to have diarrhea. Had the vet to the house who thought it was worms, so I wormed him again. He continued to have problems. Got some meds for coccidiosis in case that was the problem. It wasn’t. He has been so sick. I have tried electrolytes, supplements, etc. It has been so bad. He is so fragile and weak. He is so skinny. I have tried and tried. The other day, I gave him some red cell that is meant for horses. I thought it wouldn’t hurt since we had literally tried everything else. A few days later, I noticed his poop was not as runny. Sorry for the descriptions. Anyway, as the days went on, he seemed to look better. Tonight, I was walking behind him and I saw him poop regularly consistent goat poop. I jumped up and down saying, Thank you, Jesus. I was so excited. He is still really weak and pitiful. In fact, Ronnie and I were worming the rest of the goats tonight and that’s so dramatic in itself. We put the goats in a small fenced area so we could get the meds down them. Hercules head butted Romeo so hard in the side he fell over and could not get up. Ronnie and I thought Hercules killed him. It was so awful. Romeo seems okay now but he wasn’t there for a bit. It’s been rough lately with Romeo. He is so precious and I wasn’t ready to say goodbye and luckily I don’t have to. I’m hoping he is truly on the mend now. 

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